Friday, November 27, 2015

Friday Fiction #6: 100 Word Challenge

The Last Supper

If she took another bite, she would be ill. American excess. Obscene. She smiled and thanked her hostess for the lovely meal.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. The Senator does love to put on a show for you Ambassadors. I guess you don't have a holiday like Thanksgiving in, uh, in your country?"

She shook her head. Stupid cow doesn't even know where I'm from. She looked at the Congressmen and their wives seated around the table. Corpses in waiting. "I brought something special for dessert," she said, smiling brightly. "It is, how you say, to die for."

More Friday Fiction:


Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday Fiction #5: 100 Word Challenge

A Personal Sacrifice

Imre and Ji walked toward the altar. She felt its malice. Felt it drawing them closer.

Ji's small hand in hers was warm. She looked down at him. Grey eyes. Black curls. Smooth skin. Unblemished. A perfect sacrifice. And she, Imre, was charged with leading him to the slaughter. Such an honor, they said.

He smiled up at her. Trusting.

They stopped at the altar. "Ji," she whispered. "Run." She pushed him toward the forest. A stinking cloud hung over the stone. In the center, two glowing red coals. Eyes.

"I will not be denied." The cloud enveloped her.

More Friday Fiction:


Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday Fiction #4: 100 Word Challenge

The Relativity of Time

Rebecca tore her eyes away from the wildly jumping needles on the vicisometer and looked at Dr. Scott-Giles. "Doctor, what's happening?"

"I don't know, Rebecca. This kind of activity is unprecedented." He turned abruptly and left the lab. 

Unsure what to do, Rebecca hesitated before following him out of the building. She knew where he was going; the one place on the Institute grounds that held the key to everything.

Rebecca struggled to remain upright against the sucking wind. She could see Dr. Scott-Giles approaching The Wheel. Then he was pulled in and was gone.

The wheel spun ever faster.

More Friday Fiction:

Jimmie: Karma Dies Today
Darleen: Untitled
Smitty: Also Untitled (Come on, guys, help me out here.)
April: The Signal
BigGator5: The Demon's Wheel

Friday, November 6, 2015

Friday Fiction #3: 100 Word Challenge

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

"Oh, Sissy," breathed Maude. Here comes a handsome one."

Beryl leaned slightly forward as Maude reached to push back the heavy drapery. The movement caught Geoff's eye as he passed by and he looked up.

Tittering coyly, Beryl smoothed her hair. "Is he the one, Mama?"

On the street, Geoff turned back to his friends. "Did you see that," he asked? A couple queer old birds watching us from the window."

Inside, Maude and Beryl settled back to wait for the suitors that never came, just as they had been waiting for the last 75 years. Mama's skeleton was silent.

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